A world in which people live freedom in all aspects of their lives and respect each other's freedom.
Helping to shape a society in which freedom is part of everyday life.
working, learning, health, society
our view of society as a spiral, large or small. This spiral leaves the space that one's own development needs and at the same time offers a common order in which all rhythms of development are allowed.
Monia Ben Larbi has spent her whole life working on the question of how people learn and work together - on an individual, organizational and social level.
Due to her own medical history, she has no strength for systemic limitations and is exploring ever greater freedom.
Heiko Miedlich also deals with the topic of learning. In almost thirty years in adult vocational education and training, he gained experience on how to successfully use teaching/learning scenarios for personal development.
Consequently, all topics related to organizational development with a focus on learning systems play an important role.